If those pretty flowers and fresh cut lawns cause your seasonal allergies to keep you inside, there are also plenty of good tips for the inside of your home to take care of in the spring time.

Test Your Smoke Alarms
Smoke Alarms
One of the easiest ways to protect yourself in case of a fire is to have functioning smoke detectors in your home. Spring is a great time to test your alarms and change the batteries to ensure they keep you safe in case of an emergency. It is also a good time to stage your own fire drill with your family to make sure everyone knows what to do and where to go in case of an emergency.

Clean the clothes dryer vent
Clean the clothes dryer vent
The vent from your clothes dryer is a secondary trap for lint coming from your laundry. Excessive build-up of lint can present a fire hazard. Take this time to clean out the vent, or replace it if it is worn or excessively dirty.
Test your sump pump
The rain is coming, so be sure your sump pump is up to the challenge. Test your sump pump to be sure it is operational. Also, clean out the basin (or crock) to get any dirt or rocks out of it that could damage the pump itself. Investing in a battery back-up system for your sump pump can protect you in case of the big storm that knocks the power out, that way you won’t end up with a mess in your basement.